The benefits of space clearing your home

Death is only the beginning for what awaits our souls.  None of us can really say what happens when we die.  Because death and spiritual life is so surrounded in mystery it is also surrounded by fear and taboo.

To mediums and clairvoyants, however, it is clear that when people die, their souls need to cross over to a new existence.  Sometimes these souls become stuck between life and death – and when sensed by people over the ages, have contributed towards colourful legends of ghosts and hauntings and horror stories; more particularly, in buildings with history and wherever people have passed away in sorrow, pain or fear. 

Now you might say to yourself that you have a new home so that doesn’t concern you, but have you ever considered the history of your land?  What sort of energy surrounds your neighbourhood or your suburb?  What sort of people lived here in the past? Why do some houses, just never sell, even when the market is booming?

This is where space clearing can be of real benefit. 

Real space clearing does not have to involve cameras and Ghost Busters searching for poltergeists while children are pursued by mad dolls and clowns.  An effective house clearing dissolves dark, stagnant energy in your living space and replaces it with lightness.  Ask from the universe and it delivers…. Its as simple as that.

In the meantime, any lost soul who has wandered into your space, confused and sometimes desperate – who may have disturbed you in the night, or be drowning you in their own sorrows, can be helped over to wherever it is their soul needs to pass and break free from the patterns of their old existence.

You and your family can then start over afresh – creating your own energies, following your own lives and making your space, yours truly!