Greet your feet

Did you know that feet are linked to self-esteem?  Feet not only ground us to the earth, but to our true selves, our “soles” or souls.  Your feet reveal a wealth of knowledge; not only about your health but also about your personality. How we feel about feet (particularly our own), reflects how we feel about ourselves.

Ticklish feet indicate that we are not really relaxed and smelly feet are saying that our bodies need a detox.  Children who walk on tip-toe are timid, while people who walk feet turned outwards are not following their true path in life and feel coerced. 

To a reflexologist, all the lines and marks on your feet have a meaning – down to the shape and form of each toe.  Foot reading provides amazing insight into personality and beliefs.  It can also reveal our emotional and physical health – where we have been and where we need to go.

Whatever the shape of your feet – (the callous on your heel, the bunion on your toe, the lines which show your toils and struggles) be proud and show them the very best of care.   By pampering and treating your feet, you are not only improving your health but improving your self-esteem. 

So, don’t be shy about your feet!